Check this Page for Future Information

As we receive information to share, we will add it to this page.

New August 31, 2024

We are looking for pictures for our slide show. We are specifically looking for images taken during 1971-1974. If you have any, please send them to

We are also looking for a letter jacket or cheerleading uniform, if anyone has one we can borrow for the evening.

New- July 15, 2024

It’s only 2 1/2 months until our 50th reunion!  We want to thank all of you who have already registered.  The reunion committee has done its best to locate contact information for as many classmates as possible, but we couldn’t find everyone.  We need your help.  Please get in touch with your friends from High School and invite them to come.  They can register at  The deadline is Sept 15, but registering earlier will help us plan.

A buffet dinner will be served. We can accommodate vegetarian entrees, but we need to know in advance. Please send your request to

We have scheduled a free tour of Washington High School for Sunday, October 6th, from 12 to 2 p.m. Please meet at the front of the school a few minutes before noon.

If you have pictures from high school or previous reunions, send them to Laura Warford Riffel is putting together a PowerPoint slide show for the event. Please send them in .jpg format and put WHS REUNION PICTURES in the subject line.

That’s all for now.  Watch for future updates as we get closer to Oct 5!

Looking forward to seeing you!!
The Reunion Committee

NEW- 5-22-24

Pictures: We are putting together a slide show. If you would care to share, we would like the following:

Pictures from high school. Please send them to Please send them in .jpg format and put WHS Reunion Pictures in the subject line.

In Memoriam

If you know anyone from our class who has passed away, please also send us that information.

As we get questions, we will put “Frequently Asked Questions Here.”

We have several people interested in touring the school. The committee is checking into the possibility of this.